
„Black-Crowned Night-Heron“

aus der Galerie von Gena Weiser
Über dieses Bild:

It is extremely hard to believe that the bird you are looking at is a heron, but it is. I took this photograph at a bird sanctuary in Indian Shores, FL. This particular heron is considered as a "stocky heron with short legs and neck".

They roost in groups in bushes and trees and are mainly a nocturnal feeder. Their breeding range is most of the United States. Their yearly range is mostly Florida and the southern parts of the states west of Florida. And the winter range is most of Mexico.

I am not sure why this bird was in the sanctuary. It seemed to be perfectly fine. Sometimes, though when there is a sanctuary the the birds that are fine will hang around for food.

I will give you a little advice though. I thought it would be so much fun to visit a bird sanctuary and; it was. But remember to always keep an eye to the trees to see what or who you are walking under.

Bildnummer: 5a1f57f
Sandra Vollmann gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2016-08-11 04:56:45 UTC
voelzis-augenblicke gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2016-05-16 11:25:20 UTC
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