
„Sea Turtles“

aus der Galerie von Gena Weiser
Über dieses Bild:

While vacationing in Maui, I was able to watch approximately 30 some sea turtles make their way to shore at Hoopika Beach. I was lucky enough to be there at the right time, because they do not always come to the same beach or at the same time as the previous year. It can be expected to happen, but never at an exact moment or place. Sea Turtles are considered an endangered species. It is illegal to touch a sea turtle on land or while in the water. The day I took this photograph, the area was roped off and there were 3-4 people keeping an eye on them and taking notes. This was an extraordinary experience to watch them make there way to shore. It is a very long process with the waves working against them as they are trying to inch their way forward.

Bildnummer: 052dfbb
voelzis-augenblicke gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2016-05-02 20:02:59 UTC
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