
„Storm coming up“

aus der Galerie von lia-van-elffenbrinck
Über dieses Bild:

Storm coming up, Stormy clouds in grey purple and blue above an old house and two barns on both sides. The walls are made of wood, Roofs are red sienna with turqoise blue doors, There is no glass in the windows anymore. In the front you sea flowers like hydrangea and digitalis. oil painting on canvas, 60x40cm. Painting with oils means painting in the moment and a wonderful smell all around. Allthough it is not very healthy, I like that smell!

On my website you can find all my paintings including availability and pricing. Also you can find information about me, my painting workshops and art exhibits.

Bildnummer: 332d4dc
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CHRISTINE LAKE gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2019-01-08 14:11:52 UTC
loewenherz-artwork gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2019-01-08 13:41:31 UTC
maja-310 gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2019-01-08 11:49:13 UTC
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