
„Shh! It's a SECRET!“

aus der Galerie von eloiseart
Über dieses Bild:

It's the universal sign for "quiet!" It's just a simple gesture, but it is loaded with meaning. In fact, it can mean a lot of things: please be quiet so that I can hear myself think; be quiet so we can all calm down, don't wake the baby...
................................................You can make the "sh" sound or not, the meaning is still there. Just put your finger in front of your mouth and give it a try! Whether it's a teacher signalling her students to stop talking or a friend waiting for silence so that she can tell a secret, the index finger held in front of the mouth is understood in any language.
................................................This painting was done on a black canvas and then enhanced digitally. The look is modern, white contrasting against the black background. The red lips are as striking as they are beautiful. Perhaps there is even a hint of a smile as she covers her lips with her finger. Maybe she is about to tell about a secret love, to share that she is pregnant, to whisper to you what she bought her little boy for Christmas... it must be quiet before one can share a whispered secret, you know.
................................................Shh! That's my favorite song and I want to hear every word. Shh! I want to tell you a scary story. Shh! Don't talk. Just listen. Sh!! I'm going to whisper and you need to be quiet so that you can hear me. Shush!
................................................Shh!! Did you hear me? Shh!! What?

Bildnummer: 31993dd
Juergen Seidt gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2014-02-21 23:02:10 UTC
artistdesign gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2013-10-25 18:32:46 UTC
Frank Siegling gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2013-05-31 07:08:38 UTC
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