
„Roundism – 20-02-20“

aus der Galerie von Corne Akkers
Über dieses Bild:

Roundism – 20-02-20

This day I got warned by a Reddit group moderator to tag my art work as ‘NSFW’ (Not Safe For Work). That almost exclusively means ‘including nude’: as if one should look at social media or nudity when working at all! Who gets this idea?

I immediately linked it to a discussion last week we had in the Netherlands on nudity, refreshed by Dega’s bathing nude and questioned by Van Gogh Museum’s new director Emilie Gordenker. How the hell can people reconsider nudity and attempt to cast it out of the realm of art!

Therefor I terminated my membership of that specific Reddit group and order every zealous prune or religious fanatic to reconsider themselves! Shame on you! There is a lot of work to do for artist like me, battling against the acceptance of f.e. pink uzis for young U.S. children and the domination of safe pet, horse and still life kitsch doodles on social media, displayed a million times per day.

Therefore this very abstract nude. Honi soit qui mal y pense.

Graphite pencil drawing (Sakura 0.5 mm, 3B) on Canson Bristol paper (21 x 29.7 x 0.1 cm) - A4 format)  Artist: Corné Akkers  

Bildnummer: 1bf15ef
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