
„dinosaur football sport game“

aus der Galerie von Martin Davey
Über dieses Bild:

This illustration was painted in photoshop to a size of 10" x 8". The two animals playing football are replacements for humans but the animals this time are dinosaurs. They are not any type of Dinosaur in particular but are biped. I suppose I was thinking in terms of T-rex or so such species. It is funny to think of such large, heavy creatures heaping around! The football shirts or strip colours do not refer to any teams in particular but are just chosen because they work. I have done, and will continue doing more dinosaur substitute illustrations as can be seen elsewhere on this site. Painted in 2010.

Bildnummer: 0d44bcf
Frank Siegling gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2013-03-21 17:10:24 UTC
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